Monday, February 6, 2012

You Are

Another Monday - busy day - late night - good thoughts to post but no time so they will have to wait until tomorrow. But - have you ever wondered what is going on with the people around you that you don't know? Have you ever been having an extremely horrible or unbelievably amazing day and walked by other people without them knowing? Now, consider that those same people that you are walking by (or however you want to picture it) might just be having the same experiences - either hurting terribly or having the best day of their life. Or quite possibly they are having just a run of the mill day without too much extreme in either direction. Either scenario gives you (and me) the power to influence and affect someone else for the better or for the worse. We can add to their pain or comfort and strengthen. We can add to their joy or diminish and lessen it. We can tip someone towards the despair side of the scale even if just a little bit or we can move them in the direction of life. Each interaction is significant. Each an opportunity. Realistically I know I don't think in these terms on a consistent basis. Too often I am consumed by my own little world with its own little problems or even its own little victories.

So tonight I am thinking that someone at sometime might read this. So, I have the opportunity to encourage, bless, and maybe even spur them onto something greater. Ok, so here goes. Your life is not insignificant. You were made for a purpose. You are loved and appreciated. If you are feeling like there is nothing to rejoice about - know that God sees and feels the very sorrow you are going through and you are not alone. If you are feeling like everything is peachy keen then I smile with you.

I guess that's it. Pollyanna has spoken. Now she's going to bed.

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