Saturday, February 4, 2012

End of Week 12

It is hard to believe that 12 weeks ago Sarah, Cade, and myself started P90X. It is very hard to believe that I have been getting up at 5 am for the last 12 weeks. When I was a teacher the earliest I got up was 5:45 and every morning I dreaded that.

So we finished the program today and I can honestly say that I have seen results. We followed the workout routines to the letter. The diet part we weren't as legalistic but did stick to their recommendations. What I mean by legalistic is that we didn't use their recipes and count calories on an excel spreadsheet. We cut out what they said to and stuck to the main categories they suggested. And threw in one day a week where we could eat anything we wanted.

So here are the results I have seen. My clothes are a lot looser; some of the food I used to enjoy tastes really "loaded" or "sweet" now; I am sore all the time (to the point that I am taking next week off to try to recover a bit); and I usually fall asleep about 5 minutes after hitting the pillow.

After 12 weeks there are still parts of the program that I cannot do - specifically parts of the yoga routine. My body does not twist and stretch like those rubber band people they have on there. Flexibility has never been my strong suit so as we start round two my goal is to work on my stretchiness. I've always wanted to be stretchy - so much so that I have dreams about being able to rest my head on my knees as I am sitting with my legs straight out. Then I wake up and can barely put my socks on while standing up.

So - If you want to get into shape - our gym opens at 5 am in my garage. We'll leave the light on for you. But not tomorrow - day off - and free eat day so I'll be sleeping in and then grazing on whatever I can find as we watch the Giants beat the Patriots.

In the words of Tony Horton - "Do your best and forget the rest."

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing the 5:50 wake up call for the last year and a half. It is no easy task. I think I need to eat better because I'm usually exhausted for the rest of the day. Maybe that can be my new goal.

    Good luck with the stretchiness, I used to be able to do the chinese splits and roll through them. Now, not so much. I can almost lay on my knees though.
