Friday, January 20, 2012

New Life

Do you know the significance of the number 1,292,976,000? How about 604,800?

How do you measure the significance of a life? Today will forever mark two events in the lives of people I know.

Today marked 41 years since Sarah breathed her first breath. Her birth has affected my life significantly for the better. Not just mine but obviously our kids' lives as well since they basically wouldn't be here without her. Just thought I would state the obvious. Today we celebrated the fact that she was born and that she is part of our lives. We celebrated the difference she has made in our lives through the way she loves us, cares for us, prays for us, and is simply there for us. We celebrated because she is alive and for who she is.

One of her favorite authors is Henri Nouwen so I thought I'd throw in a little snippet of what he says about the importance of celebrating birthdays:

Birthdays need to be celebrated. I think it is more important to celebrate a birthday than a successful exam, a promotion, or a victory. Because to celebrate a birthday means to say to someone: "Thank you for being you." Celebrating a birthday is exalting life and being glad for it. On a birthday we do not say: "Thanks for what you did, or said, or accomplished." No, we say: "Thank you for being born and being among us."

On birthdays we celebrate the present. We do not complain about what happened or speculate about what will happen, but we lift someone up and let everyone say: "We love you."

Today also marks the day that a family will forever remember as the day their baby died. After being with the family this morning I reflected on the two contrasting meanings of the day. On one hand, there is celebration for life - remembering a birth. On the other hand, there is tremendous grief and the marking of a death. One life born 41 years ago and one life ended in 7 days.

How do you measure the significance of a life? Both my wife's life of 41 years and the baby's life of 7 days have had an impact that has changed the lives around them. The mom said this morning as she held her baby, "I wouldn't change any decision we made. {the baby} has taught us so much and we are different people because of our time together. "

Each second we have counts. Each second is significant. Whether you are 1,292,976,000 seconds old (41 years) or 604,800 seconds old (7 days). Never underestimate the impact you have on other people and celebrate each and every second you have been given with your own life and the lives that are closest to you.

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14

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