Saturday, January 7, 2012

A brief review

It seems that I have been turning over a new leaf for these past few blogs. During the first week of 2012 I have posted more than I did all of 2011 and I've probably used more words than I did since I started this silly little thing. Why you may ask? Obviously I am more mature. Ok - most likely not. Hmmmmmm......what a conundrum. Conundrum? What? Are we playing scrabble now? Who knows. Maybe I should re-title the blog to Words From the Inner Sanctum with Some Pics That Kinda Fit the Theme. I like that title. Mainly because of the word "sanctum."

Anywhoo - I still like pictures and to jot some things down about them - sometimes serious - sometimes not so serious. So maybe I'll just shuss it (because we don't use the words shut-up) and let some pictures do the talking tonight.

Look - Jlyn made underwear for her tongue out of her gum. That public school education sure is paying off.

My best impression of an elf getting ready for the Shamu Christmas show. Flattering.

You know these machines never lie. And you know that sons get their sexy genes from their father.
She is smiling. I bet she didn't consider how many other kids, adults, and senior citizens posed for the exact same picture wearing the exact same wig they pulled off the exact same shelf. Kinda gives you the heebee jeebees eh?

Oh - it looks like someone ordered two lumps of sugar in their tea cup. Yeah, that's right. Shorts and a t-shirt IN DECEMBER. Notice that is the stationary tea cup. I get motion sickness. And no one wants that in their tea cup.


  1. I for one am enjoying your blogging spree. Keep it up and you'll outdo 2010 as well.

  2. Thanks Jenny - I enjoy yours too. Maybe we could have a little competition? Oh yeah - got a new camera. Looking forward to many more pics.
