Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Canal Pointe Blvd.

The title says it all. I like the lines.


  1. DUDE! good thing you didn't get run over when you were taking that picture. that'd be one heckuva back day, huh??!

    did you start work yet? did you go "work shopping" (you know, like getting a new pack of pens)?? i did. at walmart. and i bought myself a new pack of highliters. gosh i love office supplies :)

    oh yeah...nice photo too....

  2. If I did get run over I know a few good doctors to patch me up. No work yet...my next big training is Sept 9-13 in Anaheim...Critical Incident Stress Management (sounds like prep to teach 8th grade) and then I officially start on the 22nd. As far as work shopping I got a neat little laptop for ULTRA PORTABILITY for my birthday. Not fancy but tiny and easy to carry around. When are you going to post some more of your great pics?

  3. Oh Canal Pointe ... Wheeler Way ... whatever it is ;)
